Drug Test By Drug Typs

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Cocaine Drug Test - coc, snow, drug screen test

Cocaine Drug Test

COCAINE (COC), a.k.a.: Crack - Snow - Flake - Blow - Dust, etc.

Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that is processed from the naturally occurring cocoa plant. Users describe cocaine as giving them an ultimate rush, a feeling of power and invincibility Cocaine is a commonly abused drug around the entire world. Long term effects of cocaine usage include cardiovascular problems, extreme paranoia, and when snorted, can cause rupturing of the mucus membranes and can cause the nasal septum to collapse. The major ways of taking cocaine are sniffing or snorting, injecting, and smoking (including free-base and crack cocaine).

Cocaine is a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant and a local anesthetic. Initially, it brings about extreme energy and restlessness while gradually resulting in tremors, over-sensitivity and spasms. In large amounts, cocaine causes fever, unresponsiveness, and difficulty in breathing and unconsciousness.

Cocaine is often self-administered by nasal inhalation, intravenous injection and free-base smoking. It is excreted in the urine in a short time primarily as Benzoylecgonine. Benzoylecgonine, a major metabolite of cocaine, has a longer biological half-life (5-8 hours) than cocaine (0.5-1.5 hours), and can generally be detected for 24-48 hours after cocaine exposure.

1 Panel Cocaine Drug Test Dip

Single Panel Cocaine Drug Test Dip Strip


The COC One Step

Cocaine Test Strip is a rapid urine screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument. The test utilizes a monoclonal antibody to selectively detect elevated levels of cocaine metabolite in urine. The COC One Step Cocaine Test Strip yields a positive result when the cocaine metabolite in urine exceeds 300 ng/mL. This is the suggested screening cut-off for positive specimens set by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, USA).

#DIP-COC - Cocaine Drug Test Dip (dip strip)

Other Single Panel Drug Test Dips

Single Panel Cocaine Drug Test Dip Strip


#DIP-AMP - Amphetamine
#DIP-BAR - Barbiturates
#DIP-BZO - Benzodiazepines
#DIP-mAMP - Methamphetamines
#DIP-MDMA - Ecstasy
#DIP-MTD - Methadone
#DIP-OPI - Opiates
#DIP-OXY - Oxycodone
#DIP-PCP - Phencyclidine
#DIP-THC - Marijuana

Need to test a substance or a suspicious powder? see Substance Drug Test - Surface Drug Test - Drug Residue Test

Click Here for Multi-Panel Drug Tests (to test for 2 to 12 drugs in one test).