Below is a partial listing of some of the warning signs associated with drug use:
- Neglected appearance/hygiene
- Unexplained weight drop
- Poor self image
- Glassy eyes
- Grades dropping
- Valuables missing
- Loss of interest in healthy activities
- Hostility towards family members
- Chemical breath
- Red eyes
- Frequent use of eye wash
- Stealing/borrowing money
- Disrespectful to parents
- Violent outbursts at home
- Slurred speech
- Change in friends
- Curfew violations
- Depression
- Running away
- Withdrawal
- Skin abrasions
- Apathy
- Deceptive
- Lying
- No concern about future
- Disregards consequences
- Defies Family Values
- Reckless Behavior
- Drug paraphernalia
- Verbally abusive
- Sneaky behavior
- Lack of motivation
- Valuables suddenly appear in child’s possession
- Manipulative/self-centered Truancy
If any of these signs seem applicable to your child and their behavior, then there maybe a destructive pattern developing that may require intervention. If several of these signs apply, intervention is probably necessary now. A response of denial or shame to drug abuse will only serve as additional obstacles to overcome. If intervention is indicated, there is effective help available.
When in doubt Don't Guess! -- TEST!
easy inexpensive offers peace of mind gives children an extra reason to say "No!" early detection can save tens of thousands of dollars may save a life